Bridgewater Land Trust Opens 5K Course at Tappen Brook Trails


The Bridgewater Land Trust (BWLT) has completed a new 5K Course which starts and ends at the Bridgewater Town Park, 221 Tappen Road, Bridgewater. Runners, hikers, and walkers are all welcome to come enjoy the course from dawn until dusk every day.

The 3.1 mile trek, which extends across Hemlock Road, traverses a number of wooded trails with gentle slopes. The course includes two loops and features pine, maple and oak forests, hair pin turns, numerous bridge and stream crossings with views of stone walls and boulder fields. The elevation gain is 318 feet.

The land owners who partnered with us to make this course possible include Eversource Energy, The Nature Conservancy of CT and the Witkin Family.  Jamie Curren, a local independent contractor, along with BWLT Executive Director Julie Stuart, were the architects of the course.  Once the course was defined, several volunteers assisted them in connecting existing preserve trails and building new trails. Signage and markers were added and include 5K directional arrows and mile markers every 0.5 miles.

BWLT President Christian Feuer stated, “This is the first permanent 5K off-road course in Bridgewater and its surrounding towns. We are thrilled to be able to offer this experience to the entire community. We foresee walkers, trail runners, and hikers taking advantage of this scenic, forested course and reaping the many health and wellness benefits.”

A race will be held on the new course on Sunday, September 29th. Maps and details can be found on the BWLT website