THE BRIDGEWATER LAND TRUST was founded in 1987. A non-profit organization administered by town residents, the Land Trust supports a variety of conservation and education activities aimed at protecting Bridgewater’s natural resources, including:

  • Land acquisition and donation.
  • Conservation easements.
  • Support of local farms.
  • Sponsorship of educational and other programs.


to the preservation of the town’s open spaces made by the Land Trust include:

  • Acquisition of hundreds of acres by donation from caring land owners and through easement agreements.
  • Preservation of Bridgewater’s farming heritage on the Jane Pratt Farm and Town Line Farm preserves.
  • Establishment and maintenance of the Ketchum Children’s Trail.
  • Support of enrichment programs, outdoor activities and scholarships for Burnham students.

Bridgewater Land Trust Directors & Staff

Christian Feuer President
Russell Marcus Vice President
Jean Robinson Treasurer
Peg Toledo Secretary
Julie Stuart Executive Director
Bridget McCarthy Administrator/Outreach Coordinator
Ted Alt Director
Chris Amorossi Director
Lisa Antel Director
Kevin Cady Director
Edward Franklin Director
Rich Kaplon Director
Andrew Smith Director

Our Mission


Preservation of land, nature and lifestyle are the tenets of our mission. Knowledgeable board direction and a committed, engaged membership create the foundation of our thriving organization.


Protecting our collective future and quality of life, we take environmental responsibility for our greatest local natural resource. Guarding your property values and shielding against unchecked development while maintaining the habitats of native flora and fauna are vital factors in our success. With educational and sponsored partnerships, informed lobbying efforts, and nature advocacy, we expand our prospects together.

The wilderness and the idea of wilderness is one of the permanent homes of the human spirit.

Joseph Wood Krutch, writer, critic and naturalist


Caring for the land with high- level ongoing stewardship and up-to-date appropriation of best land-use practices is a joyful priority as we witness the legacy of our rich farming traditions, enviable views, pastoral character and the ever-renewing natural rewards of the idyllic place we call home.